Tips, Ideas & Useful Advice
Information to explain some options for communication methods
(Click on the PDF symbol to download)
Advice from Martin Lewis (Money Saving Expert) on financial help and rights here
Useful advice on health and nutrition from The Association of UK Dieticians here
The science of soap - why is washing your hands so important? Read more here
A nice way to explain to children how and why handwashing is so important here
Derbyshire County Council has now established their own Community Response Unit here and can help you if you have no friends or family you can call on and:
- you are self-isolating because you or a member of your household is at risk
- you are struggling to meet your basic needs because of financial, social or health restrictions
- you are pregnant
- you have underlying health conditions
- you are aged 70 or over.
They can help you with shopping, or fetching your prescription or finding someone to have a chat with.
***Further to the information circulated previously regarding support for vulnerable groups during the coronavirus there is also now a national helpline. They can be contacted on 0800 028 8327 or register your request for help here.
You may have questions about how to safely deal with bought food and ingredients. Find out more here
If you are looking for more information regarding face masks and how to use them, the WHO have produced a helpful guide here​ and the UK Government have published information on making your own here.
Rural Action Derbyshire have launched their'Cyber Buddy' Scheme to help people
get connected to the digital world. Contact details are on the PDF (click on symbol to open)