Green Fingers Gardening
Pauline has published our first Repton Green Fingers gardening newsletter (click PDF to open)
The second issue of the Green Fingers newsletter has now been published (click PDF to open)
26th March 2020 Here is the first in a series of video diaries from Pauline & Robert's garden. Enjoy!
2nd April 2020
The third issue of the Green Fingers newsletter has now been published (click PDF to open)
Additionally, Pauline and Robert have published the second in their video diary series.
18th April 2020
News about the National Garden Scheme plant sale here.
There are also some great updates from Pauline and Robert in their video series:
- Find out how to grow a cress caterpillar:
- Find out how to divide up your hostas:
To accompany this video, we are also able to publish issue number 4 of Green Fingers (click PDF)
Issue 5 has now been published and can be read here (click PDF to open)
7th May 2020
The next issue of Green Fingers has been published in time for the Bank Holiday (click PDF)
15th May 2020
Another entertaining and informative video from Pauline and Robert - 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly'
22nd May 2020
The next issue of Green Fingers has been published - all about vegetables (click PDF)
9th June 2020
In Newsletter 8, Pauline creates a boot planter - why not have a go by watching her latest video:
27th July 2020
In Newsletter 9, Pauline talks all about flowers. You can watch her latest YouTube video too.
10th September 2020
If you have visited the Village Hall recently, you will have noticed that the gardens are looking wonderful. Find out more from Pauline about the creativity and hard work that went into their planning:
2nd October 2020
In a follow up video, Pauline explains more about the development of the gardens at Repton Village Hall: