What's the latest in Repton?
21st March 2020
This is the first day of the repton.info website. Hopefully, you will find something useful here!
23rd March 2020
Morning all! You should now find links on each page to start things off. These are being added to as useful information comes my way...There is now a Links page to other Repton related websites.
24th March 2020
As more ideas come in, I have added separate pages for Children and our Parish Churches under 'Support', Notices from Neighbourhood Watch can be found under 'Advice'.
25th March 2020
Suggestions are coming in all of the time. We now have links to fitness classes, audio stories and our first Green Fingers newsletter on the Ideas page. Thank you all for your positive contributions!
28th March 2020
Aside from squashing a few website gremlins, we now have the latest gardening newsletter on the Green Fingers page and on the new Quizzes page we will publish a weekly quiz from Carol, with answers the following week (no Googling for the answers, please!)
30th March 2020
Our Nimble Knitters page has been updated with new patterns for you to try and news of the new Derbyshire County Council Community Response Unit has been included on the Advice page.
2nd April 2020
We have been notified of two new catering initiatives from the Derbyshire Freemasons in Burton and The Dragon in Willington. Both are offering a range of meals to collect or have delivered (extra charge may apply). Details in Support.
3rd April 2020
We are pleased to publicise a new initiative sharing (safely!) books, DVD's and jigsaw puzzles. The link is on our Ideas page.
The latest Parish Newsletter has also now been published in Parish Churches, with information about the Easter period.
6th April 2020
The Village News magazine is now available online, both to read and print for your neighbours. Find out more here.
For those of you that are missing a trip to the theatre, Andrew Lloyd Webber is releasing a musical each Friday night (available for 48 hours) on YouTube here. The National Theatre are also offering a weekly recording of a play here.
The answers to last week's Quiz and the latest Quiz have also been published here.
7th April 2020
The wonderful illustrations of Axel Scheffler are included in this free e-book, explaining the current situation to younger children. Find out more on our Supporting Children page.
13th April 2020
New patterns added to the Nimble Knitters page and this week's Quiz has now been published. Enjoy!
14th April 2020
A crochet pattern for PPE Face Mask Adaptors, designed to help alleviate the sores that mask elastic can cause by wearing them for such a great length of time and also to enable a tighter fit, has been added under Nimble Knitters. The original pattern was posted on Facebook and the creator was inundated with requests hence the message to spread the request for any help possible. There is a message at the end of the pattern re checking to see if the intended recipient organisation’s protocols allow them to be worn.
17th April 2020
In addition to the ready meals available locally, there are two food parcel delivery services available from Morrisons and Aldi supermarkets. These are available within days, so if you are having to wait for your usual supermarket delivery, it could be a useful option. More details here.
19th April 2020
This week's Quiz has now been published here and there are two new patterns for our Nimble Knitters (Tiny Teddy and Short Sleeved Baby Vest) here.
23rd April 2020
Musical news now features under Ideas and a scheme has been launched by Age UK to help with paying for items. More information in Support.
29th April 2020
We are delighted to announce that our Community Cookbook is going into print! Read more and order your copy here.
30th April 2020
Now that the Village News Magazine has moved online, Sue is encouraging readers to subscribe, in order to receive the magazine by email. The website is here and the 'Sign Up' box is at the bottom of the page. A small number of magazines will still be printed for those not able to access online or by email. Thank you!
4th May 2020
To mark the 75th Anniversary of VE Day on Friday 8th May, there is the opportunity to take part in Street Party. Click on the PDF poster to find out more.
10th May 2020
For those of you missing the familiar sound of the Repton Bells, we now have a recording available on our Music page here and there are new knitting patterns also available here.
19th May 2020
Having been a great success, the Community Cookbook has sold out! There are a few copies up for grabs at the Post Office, but you will have to be quick!
20th May 2020
If you are looking for a great way to keep the children (or even adults!) entertained over Half Term, we are pleased to announce a Scarecrow Competition, being held in conjunction with The Repton Open Gardens Scheme. Read more here.
22nd May 2020
Read all about growing vegetables in the latest issue of Green Fingers and maybe have a look at the first contribution on our new poetry page here.
5th June 2020
If you are looking for more information regarding face masks and how to use them, the WHO have produced a helpful guide here​ and the UK Government have published information on making your own here.
10th June 2020
As a follow up to the news item in March, ITV news revisited Repton this week to see how the Community have pulled together during this challenging time:
12th June 2020
Following updated Government guidance, places of worship are able to open for private prayer from Monday 15th June. Further information can be found here.
18th June 2020
Vicar appeals for expert advice on how to get access to the internet into St Wystan’s Church, Repton
18 months ago we had a go at getting broadband into St Wystan’s in Repton. Several methods were explored. Some were not possible and some too expensive. Now with the need to live stream funerals, weddings, baptisms and normal worship looking to be highly likely within weeks we have been trying again.
I have been advised that running it in by cable is going to be far too expensive and of course we are dealing with sensitivities connected to a churchyard and a listed building.
The earlier research suggested other methods are possible but I/we need advice from someone who knows the advantages and disadvantages of such systems. Such expert knowledge must be out there but as yet I have not been able to find it. Can you help me please?
The Rev'd Martin Flowerdew
19th June 202
Looking forward to life after lockdown, why not find out about the forthcoming Repton Literary Festival. There is lots of hard work going on to plan a great event which will take place from the 23rd to the 25th of October 2020. You can read more about the exciting programme on the RLF website here or the Facebook page here. In the meantime, you are invited to join a virtual book club, Gloriumptious which has been established here.
24th June 2020
After a successful appeal last week - thank you to the many who responded - we are looking at the installation of a 4G Router in St Wystan's, Repton to live stream Funerals, weddings and Sunday worship to those who are unable to attend because of coronavirus.
We know we do not get good coverage in the church [walls too thick] from E.E. - however I need to find out which supplier has the best signal.
If your phone uses O2, Vodafone or Three could you pop into St Wystan's and see what signal you get near the Organ at the front and near the bell tower at the back? - and then let me know how many bars lit up!!
Thank you
Martin (Email - thevicarofrepton@gmail.com)
1st July 2020
29th July
Sunday Worship will take place at St Wystan's on 2nd August - You can find out more here.
1st August
Following the success of the Community Cookbook, recipes are now being published monthly in the Village Newsletter and will also be available here.
3rd September
After a successful trial opening last week, the Little Maple pop up cafe is planning to open on Fridays throughout September between 10.00am and 3.00pm at the Repton Village Hall in Askew Grove. Much work has been done to ensure the safety of the customers with screens, socially distanced seating and all of the volunteers wearing masks or visors (not required by the customers). There are a range of cakes, hot and cold drinks and even locally produced ice cream now available. Why not ease yourself out of hibernation by paying them a visit?
2nd November 2020
As we prepare for a second National lockdown in England from Thursday 5th November, it might be helpful to know exactly what is being asked of us. The latest Government guidance can be found here and if you are unsure what to do in the event that a family member has a positive COVID-19 test result, guidance can be found here. Please remember that our Community are well organised and have a network of local people to provide help and support - just get in touch and someone will help.
4th November 2020 - Foodbank Notice
Thank you people of the parish for your generous donations of cash and goods to our food bank. Thank you too everyone who has requested something from the Foodbank. Our requests for assistance are rising. It’s not always easy to ask for help, but we are in exceptional times.
Some people in Repton Parish:
have been furloughed a long time;
have found quarantine or isolation tough;
have been made redundant;
have had other health issues or operations.
Our food bank is provided by people of the Parish of Repton for local people in need. Please ask if we can help you or someone you know. And please keep cash and food donations flowing.
Contact: Rev Martin Flowerdew 01283 619686 or email: thevicarofrepton@gmail.com
Thank you.
24th November 2020 - Announcing Crib Fest
We are pleased to be supporting this great initiative from St. Wystan's Church - Find out more here:
4th December 2020 - Important Changes to Christmas Services
In light of the changing restrictions, Reverend Martin has outlined the new arrangements here:
5th Decenber 2020 - Radio Repton Launch
At last...it's here! Starting on Saturday 5th December 2020, you can hear what members of our community have been putting together. There is a great mix of thoughts, interviews, poetry and stories on a wide range of topics - there is bound to be something to catch your imagination with new recordings being added every week. You can find out more and tune in at www.radiorepton.info
19th January 2020 - appeal for help from the Community Support Committee